I’m so happy you’re here. Writing an introductory article to a brand new website is a bit daunting. I feel like I want it to be ridiculously articulate and perfect and want to edit every word I say to make it look like I have all the answers—I was an editor in my last life after all—but the thing is I left that world and part of the growth is to actually stop editing myself so I can share my truths—the good, the bad, the super ugly, and most of all the rawness of what it means to grow. (It’s definitely not easy and a lot of the time it hurts… a whole F'ing lot.)
It’s been about six months since I took the leap from the corporate world (The salary! The title! The benefits! The security!), and while I am super grateful for that part of my story, it was absolutely time to face my fears and start this new journey. The last thing I want to do is pretend I have it all figured out—I don’t. But I do feel like I’ve come a long way in this crazy, beautiful world and would love to share my experiences in hopes that I can inspire you to uncover your inner most desires, vitality, health, and truths as well. I believe we all owe it to ourselves to try with everything we have to find this.
I consider myself a forever student with an innate curiosity about the world and all that it holds. My promise is to try and share my most authentic self and help you all in any way I can to do the same. (Feel free to call me out if you smell bullshit!) Can’t wait to help you uncover your truest self. It’s already in you, you just have to get super quiet and start listening to what you already know is true—the unedited version.
Much Love.